Welcome Speeches
prof. Marcin Pałys
, Rector of University of Warsaw
Jacek Guliński
, Vice Minister of Science and Higher Education
Keynote Session
Making Open Access Work for All: Dream or Reality?, prof. Nicholas Canny
, European Research Council
How to Formulate Effective Policies to Open Access to Research Worldwide, prof. Stevan Harnad, Université du Québec à Montréal
From Network Architecture to Concrete Action – Charting a Future for Open Research on the Web, Cameron Neylon
, Public Library of Science
What Is It About the Intellectual Properties of Learning?, prof. John Willinsky, Stanford Graduate School of Education
Track 1
- Open science and research initiative in Finland: Persistency and infrastructure as backbone for openness, Juha Haataja, Ministry of Education and Culture, Finland
- An overview of research and practices of Open Science in Brazil,
Patricia Henning
, Federal University of the Rio de Janeiro State. [Presentation]
- Incentives, Integration, and Mediation: Sustainable Practices for Population Repositories, Iryna Kuchma, COAR
- A review of Open Access publishing in Poland and Eastern Europe – a study by BioMed Central and Springer,
Johanna Kuhn
, BioMed Central
- Open Access as an element of an “Open All” approach – policies and practices,
Alek Tarkowski
, Centrum Cyfrowe: Projekt Polska
- Analysis of the attitude within academic and research communities toward open science – a quantitative survey,
Maciej Ostaszewski
, National Information Processing Institute
- Four Years of the Adam Mickiewicz University Repository – AMUR: Some Lessons and Reflections,
Małgorzata Rychlik
, Adam Mickiewicz University
- OpenUJ. The origins of the Open Mandate building in the oldest university in Poland,
Samuel Nowak
,Konrad Gliściński
, Jagiellonian University
Track 2
- Common Map of Academia: an open resource for data-driven scientometrics,
Łukasz Bolikowski
, University of Warsaw
- Citizen technoscience. From Open hardware to non-formal scientific and technological practice,
Marcin Zaród
, University of Warsaw
- Building Open Geospatial Science Network,
Suchith Anand
, University of Nottingham
- Towards open science through opening research data: an institutional journey at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin,
Elena Simukovic
, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- Enabling Re-Use and Sustainability: The role of information infrastructure funders for opening science,
Angela Holzer
, DFG – German Research Foundation/Knowledge Exchange
- OpenAIRE: Science. Set Free,
Iryna Kuchma
- Legal Aspects of Open Science: the EU Perspective,
Krzysztof Siewicz
, University of Warsaw
Panel Discussion and Closing Remarks
Panelists: prof. Nicholas Canny, prof. Stevan Harnad, Cameron Neylon, prof. John Willinsky
Moderator: Mario Cervantes, OECD
Videos are available under the CC-BY 3.0 PL licence.